5 most sold cocktail drinks around the world

Below you can find the list of 5 most sold cocktail drinks around the world. For a detailed coverage of this topic and a more comprehensive list, please see the 11 most sold cocktail drinks around the world

5. Whiskey Sour

Yet another timeless classic, Whiskey Sour is the delicious concoction of whiskey mixed with lemon juice and sugar, topped off with a hint of egg white. Quite contrary to the name, this one’s definitely not going to leave you sour but asking for more.



4. Dry Martini

Classy, elegant and served with an olive or lemon twist! That’s what a great martini sounds like. You might think it’s the women’s preferred drink, but surprisingly it seems like the men like their martinis too! Either way this is one thing the world needs to thank America for.


3. Daiquiri

Sunshine, beaches and a tall glass of Daiquiri might sound like heaven. But, basically the drink is a great choice anywhere you are and one of the most sold cocktail drinks around the world. Daiquiri lovers are gaga over their drinks for a reason. Yum’s the word here!


2. Negroni

With Italian roots, Negroni is best had after a hearty meal. It’s a heady mix of gin, vermouth and campari with a dash of orange peel. And, bartenders across the world would agree that it’s a star at the counter.


1. Old Fashioned

It’s probably called Old Fashioned because it never goes out of vogue! Classic and standing tall, this crisp whiskey or brandy cocktail is unsurprisingly the most sold cocktail drink around the world.

See also 11 Largest Beer Companies in The World in 2020  and 10 Best Alcoholic Drinks That Don’t Taste Like Alcohol
