5 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the World

4. Brazilian Highlands, Brazil

Cumulative Annual Production of Staple Crops: 108 million tons 

In the Brazilian Highlands, a significant farming region in Brazil, there has been notable success in cultivating essential crops such as wheat, rice, and corn. For the 2023-24 marketing year, it is predicted that Brazil will achieve its largest-ever wheat and corn harvests. Corn production is expected to reach 133 million tonnes, marking a 6% increase compared to the previous year’s 125 million tonnes.

USDA notes that wheat production is also anticipated to grow in the country, with projected yields of 11 million tonnes for 2023-24, an increase from the 10.6 million tonnes harvested in the previous year. Conversely, rice production in Brazil is decreasing, primarily due to reduced planting areas and dry conditions in Rio Grande do Sul, the primary state for rice production in the country. The expected rice output for 2023-24 is approximately 10.13 million tonnes, a drop from the 10.3 million tonnes in the previous year.