5 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the World

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This brief article will cover the world’s top agricultural regions and discuss which regions drive the world’s food chain. To get more insights about the world’s agricultural patterns, read 15 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the World.

5. Chernozem Region, Russia

Cumulative Annual Production of Staple Crops: 92.3 million tons 

Russia’s agricultural sector, particularly in the cultivation of staple crops like wheat, corn, and rice, demonstrates significant productivity. In the 2023/24 marketing year, Russia is expected to produce approximately 90 million tons of wheat. Corn production is on the rise, with an estimated output of around 17 million tons for the same period, as reported by the USDA, representing an increase from previous years. While smaller in scale compared to wheat and corn, rice production remains a vital component of Russia’s agriculture, with a forecast of approximately 715 thousand tons for 2023/24.

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