5 Most Populated Counties in the US

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In this article, we take a look at the 5 Most Populated Counties in the US. If you want to see our detailed discussion of the topic, go to 20 Most Populated Counties in the US.

5. San Diego County, California

Population Estimates (2023): 3,269,973

Ranked 5th, San Diego County has a diverse racial population, with 74.4% White, 13.1% Asian, and 35.0% Hispanic or Latino populations. It is the 9th largest county by land area in California and is bordered by Imperial County, Orange County, and Riverside County. The county has an employment rate of 59.9% and a median household income of over $97,000. Moreover, the educational demographics are strong in the county too, with 43% of the people having attained a bachelor’s degree or higher.

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