5 Most High-Tech Cell Phones in the Market

2. LG G4

Price: $660
The new kid on LG’s block is the G4 that is skinned with a touch of luxurious leather on its back. LG was able to pack as many features the smartphone users are looking for in the newest trend that’s now coined the LG G4. Inside your G4 is a 3 GB RAM that lets you multi-task to a solid point, a 16 MP rear camera which saves your photos more realistic than ever, a 3,000 mAh battery that lasts more than a day with battery-saving features, and a generous 2560 x 1440 display that will sweep you off the ground. Indeed, it’s a high-tech smartphone that can and will dominate the massive flagships of the newest smartphones in the market!

Most High-Tech Cell Phones in the Market