5 Largest Milk Producing Countries in 2021

In this article we are going to list the 5 largest milk producing countries in the world. For a detailed coverage of this topic and a more comprehensive look, please head on over to the 20 largest milk producing countries in the world.

5. Brazil

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 36,174

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 35,207

More than 25% of all of Brazil’s agriculture properties have to do with the production of milk, which results in the supply of more than 34 billion liters of milk every single year, and an annual growth of around 3.7%.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

4. China

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 36,793

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 35,479

China is the biggest country in the world by far in terms of population, and is a major player in most industries, including the milk industry, which is expected to grow by around 4.5% year on year. It is a vital industry in the country, and expectations are that it could become the greatest dairy producer in the world within the next decade.

Pixabay/Public domain

3. Pakistan

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 55,957

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 54,192

In Pakistan, the vast percentage (more than 80%) of milk is produced in rural areas, which dominate the country. Agriculture is incredibly important to the economy of the country, and even though milk production is easily the most lucrative product of its agricultural industry, it is also the least commercialized enterprise within the industry too. There are more than 55 million farmers in this country of 220 million people. Some international companies have realized the potential of the market here as well as the profits, with one of the biggest dairy companies in the world in Friesland Campina having entered one of the biggest milk producing countries in 2021 a few years ago.

Asianet-Pakistan / Shutterstock.com

2. United States of America

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 99,082

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 98,713

The United States of America takes second spot, and is close to producing nearly 100 million tonnes of milk annually. The milk industry is quite important in the country, and even from a historic perspective, with the tradition of the milkman coming and dropping off bottles of ice cold milk in early morning being parts of many stories told across the country. There are currently more than 40,200 dairy farms in the United States.

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Pixabay/Public Domain

1. India

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 187,633

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 187,978

Easily topping the list of the largest milk producing countries in 2021 is India. The second most populous country in the world, India topping the list should come as no surprise considering that a large percentage of the population lives in villages and rural areas, where agriculture is the only means of sustenance. India is also the biggest consumer of milk in the entire world, as well as the biggest dairy herd in the world, which numbers are over 300 million, or close to the population of the United States.

Despite producing more than 20% of the total global milk production, India still sees little exports in this industry, as most of the milk is locally consumed by the more than 1.2 billion people in the country. Annually, India produces more than 187 million tonnes of milk, even though it witnessed a small decrease year on year. Indian cuisine actually makes significant use of dairy products with popular dishes such as paneer present throughout the country, while milk and dairy products are also religiously significant in the country. Buffaloes are the biggest providers of milk in the country, followed by cows, and then goats. Because of its vast production, India has negligible imports for milk.

See also: 12 Countries With Highest Dairy Consumption and low osteoporosis rates and 11 countries that consume the most milk