5 Largest Milk Producing Countries in 2021

3. Pakistan

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 55,957

Total production of milk by the country in 2019 (in thousands of tonnes): 54,192

In Pakistan, the vast percentage (more than 80%) of milk is produced in rural areas, which dominate the country. Agriculture is incredibly important to the economy of the country, and even though milk production is easily the most lucrative product of its agricultural industry, it is also the least commercialized enterprise within the industry too. There are more than 55 million farmers in this country of 220 million people. Some international companies have realized the potential of the market here as well as the profits, with one of the biggest dairy companies in the world in Friesland Campina having entered one of the biggest milk producing countries in 2021 a few years ago.

Asianet-Pakistan / Shutterstock.com