5 Largest Entertainment Companies in the World

2. Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA)

Total market cap on 1 Jan, 2020 (in billions of dollars): 206.4

Total revenue in 2019 (in billions of dollars): 108.7

Total assets in 2019 (in billions of dollars):  262.4

Total net profit in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 11,700

Comcast is one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world as well as perhaps one of the most hated companies in the US. It is both the largest internet service provider and TV cable provider in the US, and has been accused of exploiting this position, especially where people do not have any other options. It has among the lowest customer satisfaction results in the US among cable companies, and has also violated net neutrality practices. There are also concerns raised since it is engaged in content creation and its distribution because of which antitrust allegations have been raised against it as well.

Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCSA)

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