5 Largest Entertainment Companies in the World

3. The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS)

Total market cap on 1 Jan, 2020 (in billions of dollars): 267.12

Total revenue in 2019 (in billions of dollars): 74.8

Total assets in 2019 (in billions of dollars):  200.9

Total net profit in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 10,400

The Walt Disney Company is perhaps one of the most famous and well known companies in not just the entertainment industry. It is responsible for the creation of some of the biggest and more recognized cartoon characters in the world, including Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, while it also owns some of the biggest film studios such as Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Studios and several others. The company is currently 97 years old and employs 223,000 people. Due to the effects of the pandemic on film studios, the company has made a net loss of $2.8 billion in 2020.