5 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins

If you would like to learn something more about those mysterious Illuminati symbols and their origins, you have come to the right page. And if you would like to know more about this secret order, you can also check out our article “5 reasons why the Illuminati is real and a threat to society”.

5 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins


On and on throughout history, there were a lot of questions raised about this order; there are many different speculations about them, some people think they are in fact the same group as the Freemasons, some say that they worship Satan, that they are occultists, witches, and that demons control them. They are often connected with politicians, famous people, tragic events, “accidents”, scams, usually everything that can be described as negative, or more precisely – evil. There are others, of course, who question their bare existence, some say that the idea of the existence of the Illuminati in today’s society is just another big conspiracy theory. Conspiracy or not, we have gathered some very interesting information about some well-known and some less known Illuminati symbols and their origins. Whether you are prone to believing in the existence of the Illuminati or you just wave your hand and disregard it all as a simple conspiracy theory, we hope that you will find this article interesting to read and that you will at least learn something new about these Illuminati symbols and their origins.

After thoroughly researching a slew of reliable data available, we have picked 5 Illuminati symbols with the most interesting stories about their origins. So, here they are, in no particular order:

5. 666

Let’s start with the symbol most often seen, used in all kinds of movies and stories, and for which everyone knows the basic symbolism – the number of the Beast, or simply – the devil’s number. When we want to analyze the symbolism of the number 666, we have to consider the Book of Revelation, where it is said that 666 is the name of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. According to some interpretations, the 7 heads are actually 7 hills or 7 mountains, which is symbolic of Rome. So, it’s all connected to the Roman Empire. What is even more interesting is that Nero was the first emperor who truly persecuted Christianity, and in both Hebrew and Greek alphabet for each letter there is a numeric value, and for Nero is 666. So, in a way he was an Antichrist. This is only one of many interpretations of the origin of the symbol 666. Whichever story of the origin is true, the main symbolic states the same – evil, the devil, the number of the Beast, Antichrist, Satan.

5 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins - 666, number of the Beast


If it’s true that Illuminati worship Satan, then it is obvious why they use this symbol so much.

4. Hexagram

You are all familiar with this symbol that is mostly known as the symbol of Judaism, also called the Star of David. It is created by two equilateral triangles that are overlapping, forming a six-pointed star. This symbol is very old, and no one knows exactly how much. It can be found throughout different religions, and across different parts of the world. For instance, in cosmological diagrams in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. In every region, this symbol stands for something, but no one knows how these distant traditions all create the same shape. Perhaps it was a coincidence. There is also the possibility that it was created as a simple geometrical figure, like a square or triangle, without any underlying cause. That it was just a pure work of art – a beautiful design.

 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins - Hexagram

C. Salmon/Shutterstock.com

So, what does it stand for in Illuminati circles? Well, according to a documentary called “The Real Meaning Behind Illuminati Symbolism” it is a symbol that represents humans above God (one triangle above the other). With a circle around it, it is said that represents one of the most evil and powerful symbols, that are used to summon demons.

3. All-Seeing-Eye at the top of the Pyramid

We all want to know how did the Egyptians build the pyramids, but none of us have the answer. Maybe they were also Illuminati and demons helped them? Enough kidding around, let start with the origin of the pyramids. You all probably believe that the Egyptians were the first to form the shape of a pyramid, but you are wrong. According to research, the first time this shape was used was in ancient Mesopotamia, in their structures called Ziggurats. These structures made from mud and bricks were a base for their temples. They wanted to lift the temple higher so it can be closer to heaven. So even in the old times the shape of the pyramid had some “higher purpose” – connecting heaven and earth. And Egypt wasn’t far from this; for the Egyptians, the pyramids were tombs for pharaohs, and they believed that the spirit can travel from the tip of the pyramid to the afterlife, and what is more interesting – the tip will serve as guide if the soul ever wants to return back to earth.

In today’s world, the pyramid is often associated with harmony and human development. We have a “diet pyramid”, “exercising pyramid”, “business pyramid”… It is a great symbol because it represents something that stands on firm ground and that it can only be reached by exact order, and with patience. The higher goal is at the top, and it takes time to achieve it.
So, what does the pyramid stand for in Illuminati circles?

Illuminati Symbols and their Origins - All-Seeing-Eye at the top of the Pyramid


At the top of the unfinished pyramid, which is known as the “main” symbol of Illuminati, is an eye called the All-Seeing-Eye. This symbol represents their power over the entire earth as the few of them (at the top) are watching (all-seeing-eye) us (bottom of the pyramid) and controlling us. This symbol is the most famous, and you all have seen it. Yes, you have, just look at your one-dollar bill and you’ll find it. That’s why people speculate that the Freemasons and Illuminati are secretly ruling the world – their symbols can be found almost everywhere.

The origin of the All-Seeing-Eye? Well, it used to represent greater spiritual power, and even God itself. It can be found in different religions, but it is most commonly associated with the ancient Egyptian symbol called “The Eye of Horus”, which symbolizes protection and good health.

2. The Owl

We are all familiar with the basic symbolism of the owl, we all know that the owl represent wisdom. But, are you familiar with the origin of this symbolism? Well, there is a connection with both Greek and Roman mythology. In Greek Mythology, there was a goddess of wisdom and knowledge named Athena, of whom you have all heard often. She was often represented in a company of an owl. In Roman Mythology, we have the similar image of the goddess of wisdom and reason, named Minerva, that was also accompanied by an owl. You can hear that the owl is also called “the owl of Minerva” or “the owl of Athena” and it has ever since been used as a symbol of great wisdom and knowledge.

 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins - Owl

But not only Romans and Greeks had respect for the symbol of the owl; in many other parts of the world there was a similar association. Native Americans also thought of an owl as a sacred knowledge keeper, and they deeply respected the owl’s ability to see at night. In other cultures, there can also be found traces of respecting the owl as a symbol of greater and mythical knowledge.

Why do the Illuminati use this symbol? Well, they think of themselves as a group of very wise people, and they are the ones who possess the secret knowledge.

1. Snake/Serpent

Probably the first thought that comes into people’s minds when they think of a snake as a symbol of something are temptation or sin. Because we are all familiar with that Biblical story of Adam and Eve and the snake that tempted them to commit a sin and be expelled out of the Garden of Eden. While this is the Christian symbolism for a snake, there are many other associations, because snake is one of the oldest mythological symbols in the world. In some traditions, it represents fertility and rebirth, transformation and immortality. In others, it can symbolize guardianship, poison, medicine, vengefulness and many other things. What is interesting the most is that in the Christian Mythology it can also represent something completely different then temptation and sin, it can represent salvation (according to the Gospel of John). So, it is quite clear that the snake is the only symbol on this list that has so many completely different meanings.

The question poses itself – when it comes to the Illuminati, what does the snake stand for? Some say it represents forbidden knowledge and sin, just like in the Garden of Eden. But, with so many different meanings, no one truly knows what symbolizes in the Illuminati circles. This knowledge we do not have.

 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins - Snake

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article on often-talked-about and surrounded-by-the-veil-of-secrets Illuminati symbols and their origins. Please tell us, have we succeeded in lifting a part of the veil by revealing some of these origins?