5 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins

4. Hexagram

You are all familiar with this symbol that is mostly known as the symbol of Judaism, also called the Star of David. It is created by two equilateral triangles that are overlapping, forming a six-pointed star. This symbol is very old, and no one knows exactly how much. It can be found throughout different religions, and across different parts of the world. For instance, in cosmological diagrams in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. In every region, this symbol stands for something, but no one knows how these distant traditions all create the same shape. Perhaps it was a coincidence. There is also the possibility that it was created as a simple geometrical figure, like a square or triangle, without any underlying cause. That it was just a pure work of art – a beautiful design.

 Illuminati Symbols and their Origins - Hexagram

C. Salmon/Shutterstock.com

So, what does it stand for in Illuminati circles? Well, according to a documentary called “The Real Meaning Behind Illuminati Symbolism” it is a symbol that represents humans above God (one triangle above the other). With a circle around it, it is said that represents one of the most evil and powerful symbols, that are used to summon demons.