5 Good Paying Jobs for 18 Year Olds with No Experience Required

Below you can see the top 5 highest paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience required. For our data source and a more comprehensive list please see top 10 good paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience required.

5. Pet sitter – 15/h

Another job for animal lovers. Cats, dogs… you probably have people in your neighborhood that have pets and that need a person who is responsible enough to be a pet sitter. You can spread the word about your services, or you can try with an agency. It is up to you, but it is simply a great job.


4. Data entry clerk – $16/h

If you use your computer every day, you have probably already developed skills such as touch typing and accuracy, so data entry may be a solid career to consider. The good thing is that this job is not related to a specific industry, but it can belong to many of them, so you can choose the one that suits you the most.

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3. Packer – $18/h

Well, let us agree – this is not a fancy job, but the most important thing is that the money is good. If you are ok with working in a warehouse environment, your main job will be preparing products for packaging and shipment. You will probably be assigned to a specific area and you will only need a couple of days to enter the routine.

2. Sports coach – $19/h

This is a job that belongs to those fancy jobs little bit more, as you can combine what you love, with what you do for a living. You do not need to have experience in coaching per se, but you definitely need to be familiar with the specific sport, if not even a good player. This is an advantage of using something that you are truly good at, as a means to earn money and sustain yourself. And, let us be realistic – this is a good money.


1. Personal assistant – $20/h

This is a great job and it can really serve as a great reference point for the future job opportunities. Depending on the company or individual that you work for, your job obligations may include, correspondence, phone calls. managing schedules and organizing appointments, booking and arranging travel, and many other duties when needed. The salary is approximately $20 per an hour, being the reason why this job is first among good paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience required.

See also 16 best jobs for high school students with no experience and 20 highest paying part-time jobs for college students.