5 Easiest Vegetable Oils to Make at Home

3. Peanuts

Yield per quart of oil: 4.6 pounds

Vitamins content: E, B1, B2, B6

Mineral content: magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and selenium

Peanut oil has also several use, you can use it for cooking and frying, like sunflower oil. It smoke point is relatively high at 437℉ (225℃). This makes possible to use for cooking unlikely walnut or pumpkin oils, which are generally used for finishing dishes. Due to its high vitamin E content, even one tablespoon of peanut oil contains 11% of recommended daily quantity. Peanut oil is rich both in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which may protect you from the risk of heart attack. If you suffer from diabetes – peanut oil is really for you, as it improves insulin sensitivity. It helps reduce high blood sugar, and due to its high vitamin E content, it protects your body from the damage of free radicals.

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