5 Easiest Vegetable Oils to Make at Home

4. Sunflower

Yield per quart of oil: 5.3 pounds

Vitamins content: A, D, E

Mineral content: magnesium, calcium, potassium

Sunflower oil is the most common one among the easiest vegetable oils that can be made at home. It has several great properties, but it perhaps the most modest of all. Perhaps because we all know it, and its taste is pretty neutral. But keep in mind, oil made at home has always much more intense taste than that of oils can be bought at the supermarkets. Once you have prepared sunflower oil, you will surely be surprised, how much it differs from that crappy ones on the shelves of the shops. It contains lots of antioxidants, which helps you to fight against free radicals and harmful effects of sunbeams. In addition, it is a non-comedogenic carrier oil, which doesn’t clog your pores yet highly absorbent. It can be used for any types of skin.  It also facilitates wound healing, as treating the wounds with it, they will cure much faster, due to its oleic acid content.

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