5 Easiest Remote Jobs That Pay Well

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Below you can find the list of 5 Easiest Remote Jobs That Pay Well. For a detailed coverage of this topic and a more comprehensive list of 15 Easiest Remote Jobs That Pay Well, please see this article.

5. Development operations (DevOps) manager

Average Salary – $63,000  per year 

Not a super easy job to take on but certainly one that comes with a sterling paycheck. To make a career in online DevOps you would require a deep knowledge in developing applications and a proven history of experience. 

4. Travel Agent 

Average Salary – $64,856  per year 

The borders are gradually opening up, so we think this job profile might soon be back in demand. Many travelers are looking for planned holidays that are safe and risk free as opposed to self-planning and experimentation at the moment. Also, considering the huge amount of layoffs in the industry, may be it is the time to explore better opportunities.

If you love travelling or are a digital nomad, you might consider a career travel consulting. Plenty of  travel agencies that offer these services online are looking to hire laid off individuals with good experience to offer specialized services.

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