5 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens

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In this article, we discuss the 5 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens. If you want to check out our detailed analysis, go directly 15 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens.

5. Mexico

This Latin American country stands as a veritable hot-spot for US expats, attracting them for various reasons, including its low cost of living, affordable healthcare facilities, and pleasant weather. Moreover, it is one of the easiest countries for US residents to acquire their second passport.

For citizenship by descent, the process couldn’t be simpler and more cost-effective. If a parent is of Mexican descent, the child can obtain citizenship within six months by paying less than $100. Additionally, any Latin American descent qualifies one to pursue citizenship. Providing proof of a Mexican or Latin American blood relative generates an instant permanent residency permit, which can be converted into citizenship after two years.

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