5 Best Countries to Teach English in Asia

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1. South Korea

Average Monthly Salary: $1,550 – 2,000
Monthly Cost of Living: $600 – 900
Quality of Life Rank: 30

South Korea didn’t land on the top spot among 5 best countries to teach English in Asia by chance. It has a tempting salary – cost of living ratio, with the quality of life being high. Also, on the most online sources we visited when researching the topic, South Korea was mostly the top recommended destination. Finding work in public school can be a tougher challenge since there is only one teacher per school. This results in large sized classes. The salary is lower, but you will work fewer hours and have bonuses at the end of your contract. Also, you’ll get extended paid vacations with accommodation provided for you. In some cases, your trip costs will be covered as well.

There is less competition, the salary is bigger, and the classes are smaller in private schools. The accommodation is provided along the trip costs. But, you will work more hours, have less vacation and be ready to work in the afternoons and during the night. It is up to you to determine what fits you the best. Overall, the teaching experience in South Korea is among the best in Asia. The life standard is high, and there is plenty to do and see in your spare time. What else do you need? Pack your bags, and good luck!

5 Best Countries to Teach English in Asia

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