4 Videos of Warren Buffett on Piers Morgan That Will Make Your Morning

Warren Buffett, together with his son and grandson, was on Piers Morgan last night. The interview was conducted in a quite informal and relaxed atmosphere. Here are four videos from the interview that will make your morning.

hedge funds vs. mutual funds

Buffett says he’s sorry for the position Kathleen Sebelius (Secretary of Health and Human Services) is in.

Buffett talks about his lack of mobile phone expertise and even flips out an old Nokia, joking that it was the one that was given to him by Alexander Graham Bell. “I don’t throw anything away until I’ve had it 20 or 25 years,” Buffett said.

Buffett mentions that he does not send e-mails; his assistant does that for him. He also confessed that he sent just one e-mail in his life, to Jeff Raikes at Microsoft, and that e-mail “ended up in court in Minneapolis.”

There’s also a hilarious incentive scheme that Warren Buffett set up for his son Howard. One of the deals was that Howard was supposed to pay rent proportionally to his weight.

Oh, and he played the gosh-darned ukulele. So dreamy.

Recommended Reading:

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Why Buffett Won’t Invest in Commodity Companies

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