25 Best States For Chefs and Head Cooks

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1. Florida

Annual median wage: $50,260

Cost of living index: 99

Employment: 7,800

Florida’s claim to this list of best states for chefs and head cooks is its high wages and employment rates. This state is known for its resorts and casinos. Their casinos, beaches, and restaurants are mostly high end, so you can expect higher salaries especially if you already have many years of experience. They also have living expenses that stay lower than the national average. Tons of jobs and high wages, Florida has it all covered.

25 Best States For Chefs and Head Cooks

Because restaurants would never go out of style, chefs and head cooks can almost have the guarantee of never being jobless. However, they can all expect the competition to be even stiffer in the future as more and more people would aspire to be a chef. If you’re a chef or a head cook who’s confused with the right place for you to live in and get a job at, make the best states for chefs and head cooks your starting point.

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