20 Most Deadliest and Dangerous Snakes In the World

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20. Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii)

Subcutaneous LD50 (Mg/kg): 0.75

Venom Yield/Bite (Mg): 130-250

Distribution: India, Srí Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tibet, China, Cambodia, Taiwan

This is one of the most well-known snakes in the world. Various nature documentaries mention Russell’s viper. The lethal dose for an average grown person is between 40-70 mg. After  this snake’s bite, victim feels a sharp pain at the site of the bite, which swells at once, followed by bleeding. As blood pressure falls, the victim’s heart rate drops. The following symptoms are very common: facial swelling, blistering, vomiting, and kidney failure. If the victim gets early treatment, lethal complications can be drastically reduced. The patient can experience severe pain for 2-4 weeks. In case of massive envenomation cardiac, respiratory or kidney failure are experienced, which leads to death after the bite within 1-14 days, or even later.

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