16 Creepy Craziest Worst Things Found on the Deep Web

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16. Who’s Janice?

This is a mysterious Creepypasta Deep Web story. It starts with certain Mark Spielman who decided to work for police department once he heard they were looking for a person with in-depth knowledge of the internet. While he was browsing child pornography sites, he often came across a site with the image of a girl. After trying to find more answers all of his computer files were deleted and replaced with series of images depicting “Janice” with different facial expressions. Eventually, images showed a man cutting the girl’s stomach rip open and girl’s dead face. The final photo contained a text message: “Who is Janice?” Apparently, Mark Spielman disappeared and police uncovered bits of these files on his computer. However, while researching more about this, we couldn’t find if the story is true or not. It might be a fake but crazy Creepypasta story.

16 Creepy Craziest Worst Things Found on the Deep Web


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