15 Professions with the Highest Death Rates in the US

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1. Logging workers

Death rate per 100,000 people: 110.0

The logging worker’s profession ranked first on our list of 15 professions with the highest death rates in the US. This profession has a record of fatal injuries at 110 per 100,000 workers. There were a total of 91 fatal injuries or death in the last year in this profession. There were also 900 non-fatal injuries. Their annual wage is approximately only 37,590. The job of logging work is physically very demanding. And like the fishing profession, these workers also have to work outdoors. They often work in remote areas where medical services and hospitals are not available, so if any accident happens, they cannot get medical aid immediately. The most common accident is when a worker is struck by objects, and they also have to deal with dangerous machinery.

Professions with the Highest Death Rates in the US

Roman Mikhailiuk/Shutterstock.com

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