15 Biggest US Cities Ranked By GDP

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10. Atlanta (Georgia)

Average GDP value in millions of chained dollars for the period between 2001 and 2014: $276,224

Metropolitan Statistical Area: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell (Georgia)

2001 current dollar / chained dollar: $213,325 / $252,285

2014 current dollar / chained dollar: $324,881 / $298,146

Unlike previous metropolitan area, Atlanta, Sandy Springs and Roswell haven’t recorded a loss during 2008, but their luck didn’t hold during 2009. However, since 2011, everything is going well again for Hotlanta and co as they have managed to surpass the record of 2008. Needless to say, everything is going according to plan today as well.

atlanta-90599_640 15 Biggest US Cities Ranked By GDP

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