12 Highest Grossing Video Games Of All Time

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#10 Space Invaders

Developer: Taito (now a subsidiary of Square Enix)

Released: 1978

Revenue: $3.85 billion

One of the most popular arcade games of all time, Space Invaders earned an incredible $3.85 billion between 1978 and 1982, primarily 100 yen at a time. In fact the game’s popularity led to a persistent claim that it caused a shortage of 100-yen coins in Japan, forcing the country to triple production of the coin, which appears to actually be a myth, despite being presented as fact in several major history of video game books. Regardless, it was a phenomenal success, and ranks as the top grossing game of all time when adjusting for inflation. Nonetheless, Taito suffered a decline in the 1990’s alongside the global arcade business. It became a wholly owned subsidiary of Square Enix in 2006.

12 Highest Grossing Video Games Of All Time

Chepko Danil Vitalevich/Shutterstock.com

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