11 Worst Lottery Winner Horror Stories: Problems With Winning The Lottery

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10. David Lee Edwards

What happens when a convicted felon is awarded $27 million in lottery winnings? Well, we’re about to tell you the story number 10 on our list of worst lottery winner horror stories!

Much like many lottery winners, David intended for his winnings to not only last him for the rest of his life but provide for his daughter and future generations, as well.  Upon winning the Kentucky Powerball in 2001 he was quick to spend it on multiple cars, houses, and a medieval armor and weapons collection (all of which were reproductions that weren’t really worth anything) among other things. He intended on using his winnings responsibly, but in fact did just the opposite. After only one year of winning the lottery, he had blown through roughly $12 million dollars!

Aside from acquiring useless items such as his $1.9 million jet, $78,000 gold watch, $159,000 ring and a $30,000 plasma screen TV he also contracted hepatitis from repeated drug use. By 2006 all of his money was gone! He didn’t even have so much as a life insurance policy to leave to his daughter.  Now that he was broke, his wife (who had also developed hepatitis) left him. With nothing left he was forced to sell all of his belongings and ended up living in a storage unit surrounded by his own feces. In the end, he died alone and penniless just 12 short years after winning all that cash. No wonder this one is on our list of worst lottery winner horror stories, right?

11 Worst Lottery Winner Horror Stories: Problems With Winning The Lottery

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