11 Worst Countries for People with Asthma

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10. Iran

Score – 12

If you’ve been diagnosed with asthma, you’re in bad luck if you live in Iran. That’s because the country ranks pretty high up among the nations that release the most CO2 into the atmosphere. In fact, Iran’s carbon emissions reach 618 million tonnes each year and if things aren’t going to improve, people with asthma aren’t the only ones that will have to worry about things since the entire Iranian coast, alongside Qatar, Dubai and nearby areas will become unlivable.

The country’s air impurity levels are also quite high. According to data coming from the World Health Organization, Iran ranks fifth among the nations with the most polluted air. Thankfully, however, Iran has anti-smoking bills in place, with smoking being banned in all public places, as well as in cars. People under the age of 18 are also prohibited from buying tobacco products.


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