11 Most Profitable Retail Businesses You Can Start

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9. Mobile Phone Store

Score: 4 points;

Although you can find dozens of mobile phone stores in every neighborhood, this niche is so big that there’s enough demand for everyone. Your best bet would be to open a mobile phone store in a smaller town or a desolated or rural area. Try to make a deal with the most popular mobile operators and offer their cards together with the devices you are selling. In addition to the smartphones, try selling various phone accessories that you can order from big wholesale platforms like Alibaba. If you are a skillful repairman or an engineer, you can also offer phone repair services to your customers. Now, let’s see what else we have on our list of most profitable retail businesses you can start.

11 Most Profitable Retail Businesses You Can Start

Radu Bercan/Shutterstock.com

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