11 Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World

This is the list of 11 deadliest dog breeds in the world, based on a study done by CDC, listing all dog bite fatalities in the US from 1979 to 1998. The statistics present fatal dog attacks where the breed has been positively identified. For the purpose of this text, we grouped pure breeds and mix dogs where at least one breed is identified together. So, all Rottweiler mixes were grouped under Rottweiler. A mix of a Doberman, Rottweiler, and American Pit bull was counted once under all three breeds.

Now, before we continue, there’s one important caveat to consider. This list of deadliest dog breeds in the world doesn’t show that some breeds are more prone to attacking people than others. Every dog will attack if sufficiently provoked. The dog breeds on top of our list are there because of two reasons. First, they are big dogs with powerful bites and as such are prone to cause far more damage than, say a Pomeranian. But even Pomeranians can be killers. In 2000, a Pomeranian killed an 18-month baby left alone with the dog.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World

Tatiana Makotra/Shutterstock.com

The second reason is the human factor. Nobody breeds or trains a Pomeranian for dog fights. People who get their kicks out of watching animals get hurt usually go for specific breeds (hint: take a look at the top three breeds on our list). For every story about a Pitbull or German shepherd or Rottweiler killing somebody, there are hundreds of stories about those same breeds being loving family pets. YouTube is full of videos of cute Pit bulls playing with kids. So why are some of them aggressive, dangerous and deadly? The answer is simple, their owners made them that way. Either through intention or neglect, these dogs are suffering the consequences of their owners’ actions.

According to the study of the epidemiology of fatal dog bites published in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, there are several most common factors present in dog bite fatalities. Almost all, if not all of them, are caused by either owner or the victim. These include, among others: compromised ability of victims to interact appropriately with dogs (e.g. mental disabilities), dogs kept isolated from regular positive human interactions versus family dogs, no familiar relationship of victims with dogs, owners’ failure to neuter dogs, owners’ prior mismanagement of dogs, and owners’ history of abuse or neglect of dogs.

To better illustrate that fact, none of the dogs on the list of most expensive dog breeds to maintain are listed here. Those are the breeds that are pampered and provided with a loving home, hardly an environment that breeds killers. Now compare that to some of the Animal Channel documentaries that show how cruel people can be to their pets and you’ll see why we even have the list of deadliest dog breeds in the world.

11.Labrador Retriever

Fatalities: 5

Yes, you’ve read it right. We start with Labrador Retriever, responsible for 5 fatalities. Although, in only one case was a pure-breed Labrador involved, other 4 fatalities were caused by Labrador mixes.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World - Labrador Retriever

10.Great Dane

Fatalities: 7

These large dogs require excellent training to become family pets. The lack of it is what landed them on this list.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World - Great Dane

9.Saint Bernard

Fatalities: 8

Even these gentle giants can be deadly if not treated properly.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Saint Bernard


Fatalities: 10

One of the best guard dogs in the world, Dobermans require a firm training to reach their potential. Their obedience is almost legendary, but if mistreated, they can be very dangerous.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Doberman


Fatalities: 11

One of the oldest breeds in history, Chow-Chow is an excellent guard dog, but can easily become over-protective. If not properly trained, they can be aggressive toward strangers.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Chow Chow

6.Wolf-dog hybrid

Fatalities: 14

Wolf-dog hybrids are almost per rule more wolfs than dogs and should be treated as wild animals, not pets.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Wolfdog hybird


Fatalities: 15

Number 5 on our list of deadliest dog breeds in the world is the Alaskan Malamute. It is a breed created for pulling heavy loads in Arctic. As such, they are very active dogs who require constant exercise. Lack of it can make them nervous and aggressive.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World

Giancarlo Restuccia/Shutterstock.com

4.Husky type

Fatalities: 21

All Husky type dogs are lumped together in one group, including Siberian and even Alaskan Husky, even though it isn’t a pure breed.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Husky Type

3.German shepherd

Fatalities: 27

The german shepherd is the only herding dog on our list. The favorite choice for work dogs, especially in police and military, German shepherds are intelligent and obedient. Mistreatment or even purposeful training to be aggressive got them high third place on our list.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World German Shepard


Fatalities: 44

Raising a 100-pound dog into a family pet is a big responsibility. Many wannabe Rottie owners don’t seem to grasp that and their failures got the Rottweiler on this list.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Rottweiler

1.Pit bull type

Fatalities: 76

Once praised as the American dog, American Pit Bull Terrier and its cousins, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier are now considered the deadliest dog breeds in the world.

Deadliest Dog Breeds in the World Pitt Bull