11 Countries with the Highest Rates of Malnutrition in the World

After discovering countries with the highest rates of malnutrition in the world, you’ll never have leftovers on your plate ever again! Malnutrition is one of the top leading causes of deaths all over the world. Lack of nutrition in the body can make people sick, they will die in worst cases due to loss of proper diet.

Nutrition comes from the healthy foods we eat. It comes from every meal your momma or pop prepares. Either you follow the Paleo diet or you are into a ‘no-gluten’ diet, but it all boils down to one important thing – eat the right set of food, so your body can take care of itself. Yet, two billion people around the world suffer from malnutrition leading to fatal diseases.

If you don’t have a source of income like a stable job, you tend to eat whatever it is in front of you. If you don’t have a monthly salary to expect, how can you buy necessities such as food and water? How many times does your family eat in a day? These are common realizations ,and questions left unanswered, by the poorest members of society. Some of them left neglected. While many is a part of the great undernourished population, they are too many that WHO and UNICEF can’t handle them all at the same time.

Are you eager to know the list of countries with the highest rates of malnutrition in the world? Well, we have a similar post about the 10 poorest cities in America that you can review before hitting on our list. Find out if the city you live in right now is included, also, know what can you contribute to make your community a better place for living.

Before anything else, here are the countries with the highest rates of malnutrition in the world.

11. Cambodia

The economic crisis and post-war issues are the reasons behind the suffering of Cambodia to malnutrition. It is obvious how a not balanced diet harmed the development of newborns and children in the country. Most kids are low in height, one in every four children in Cambodia is short in height and is underweight.


10. Somalia

Lack of food source, lack of income, and environmental issues make Somalia experience starvation. The disastrous drought makes it impossible for the Somalis to cultivate their own source of food. According to the report of UNICEF, 236, 000 children under the age of five live a malnourished life.

hikrcn / Shutterstock.com

hikrcn / Shutterstock.com

9. Liberia

As a least develop country, Liberia continues to fight against nationwide hunger. Can you imagine yourself shortening your budget to $1 a day? Exactly, you can’t. But in Liberia, they struggle for only having less than a dollar a day. At least 75% of the population relies on a budget of less than $1! A clean water supply and hygiene contribute to malnutrition rate in Liberia too.

MickyWiswedel / Shutterstock.com

MickyWiswedel / Shutterstock.com

8. Rwanda

Rwanda is the 4th smallest country in Africa yet it is one of the countries with the highest malnutrition rate in the world too. A recent study shows that there are 224, 441 underweight children in the country. Children of Rwanda is at a great risk of cognitive issues and physical impairments.


7. Chad

Chad holds the highest malnourish rates in West Africa with 790, 000 people affected by severe malnutrition. The biggest problem Chad is facing is the absence of enough supply of clean water. With the deadly drought, it is difficult for the people to produce a reliable source of nutritious food.

Quick Shot / Shutterstock.com

Quick Shot / Shutterstock.com

6. Afghanistan

Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of death of children and women in Afghanistan. Only 40% of the country receives a vaccination that will keep them away from possible diseases for not getting a proper diet. UNICEF helps Afghanistan in their shortage of clean water supply. This year, the UNICEF allotted a budget of $31, 682, 000 to support the country’s needs in nutrition alone.


5. Laos

One of the richest world distributors of rice is Laos situated in the South East Asia. Despite the rice bounty, rice alone can’t provide the nutrients our body needs to become healthy and well. The Lao People’s Democratic Republic lacks proper health care information too. Parents with a lack of enough monetary income, often feed their children with rice alone. Due to lack of knowledge of adequate nutrition, they don’t have an idea as well why they kids are getting sick!

nguyenkhacthanh / Shutterstock.com

nguyenkhacthanh / Shutterstock.com

4. Mali

The country of Mali is one of the poorest in the world. Mali had become rich in the past when Mansa Musa, the emperor, spread pounds of gold to the community of Mali back in the 1300’s. Today, most of the hardworking employees in Mali earn only less than a dollar a day. Parents educate themselves of the proper nutrition they need to serve on the table. Yet, they don’t have the capacity to buy vegetables, meat, and fruits to prepare that nutritious meal.

Quick Shot / Shutterstock.com

Quick Shot / Shutterstock.com

3. Guatemala

Guatemala has the highest rates of malnutrition in the Latin America. The malnourishment does not come from the lack of food or scarcity of income. Guatemala has a bounty of a food supply. Citizens tend to suffer from the effects of malnutrition due to bad eating habits. The country consumes great calorie and sugar intakes leading to obesity and chronic diseases. Guatemala promises to change their strategies for fighting malnutrition. This includes controlling obesity by improving their eating habits.

Shawn Talbot/Shutterstock.com

Shawn Talbot/Shutterstock.com

2. Angola

After three decades of war in the country, Angola finds its way of standing up against the chronic malnutrition in the country. Angola’s primary goal is to help the citizens produce and make use of the local products that can be cultured within the country. The government implements regular vaccination of polio and deworming of children under the age of 5 too. Agricultural techniques, better health care facilitation, and proper nutrition are the plans Angola has to fight malnutrition.


Which country has the highest rate of malnutrition in the world?

1. Haiti

As the top country with the highest malnutrition rate, Haiti struggles from severe starvation. A large number of Haiti’s population earns below $2 a day. The unpredictable disasters and political environment contributes to poor agricultural conditions in the country. A non-profit organisation – Consider Haiti, gives away goats and rabbits to families in Haiti. This is to help them improvise sustainable sources of food and income.

Michelle D. Milliman/Shutterstock.com

Michelle D. Milliman/Shutterstock.com