11 Best Nature Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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9. Mission Blue

Site Score: 5, IMDb Score 3; Overall Score: 8 points
Directed by Robert Nixon and Fisher Stevens
Year: 2014

Sylvia Earle is a legendary marine biologist and one of the pioneers of the fight for ocean preservation. She is National Geographic explorer-in-residence, an honor not given lightly. Her non-profit foundation Mission Blue is founded for the sole purpose of protecting world’s ocean, a vital resource for our survival on the planet. The movie shows us her lifelong struggle for the establishments of marine protection zones (Hope Spots) spread across the globe, with the aim of protecting and restoring marine wildlife. There are over 50 of them now, but she hopes that the number will increase in the future. Considering the state of the oceans today and the fact that we can’t live on Earth without them, let’s hope she’s right.

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