11 Best Alcoholic Drinks for Diabetics Type 1 or Type 2

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2. Vodka

You may think that vodka and diabetes don’t mix. And you may be right depending on your particular case (remember, you’re going to want to consult with your doctor before you decide whether or not you can drink alcohol), however, if you choose to drink vodka can be a good choice. While most brands are in the 60-70 calorie range, one reason it beat out all those other spirits is simply because it is one of the most common and most versatile pure spirits. You can mix it with pretty much any diet soda or even seltzer water. It goes well with juice, although you are going to want to choose a mixer that is light on sugar. While a Screwdriver (vodka and orange juice) might sound like a good idea, when you add the calories from the alcohol to the orange juice, it can be a bit on the higher side—even more so than with most diet sodas. But, on the other hand, orange juice is definitely a healthier choice than diet soda. You may have even heard that it (along with other liquors) can help to reduce blood sugar levels. While this can be true, it is going to lower it by a much more rapid rate than it should, and only for a short amount of time before it spikes, again. Not to mention, alcohol affects everyone differently, so this may not even be true in your case. But, by all means, one or two shots of vodka is perfectly acceptable.

Best Alcoholic Drinks for Diabetics Type 1 or Type 2

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And finally, the number one on our list of best alcoholic drinks for diabetics type 1 or type 2.

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