10 States with Most Snake Bites in America

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9. Virginia

The rate of snake bites per million in Virginia that’s up next on the list of states with most snake bites in America is 236.7. Virginia is home to cca. 30 different species of snakes out of which three are venomous. All three belong to the family of pit vipers. Besides being extremely dangerous, pit vipers are also very interesting snakes. They have pit organ (named pit vipers because of it) which allows them to sense infrared radiation from warm bodies of their prey. This basically means that snakes have infrared sight which makes them dangerous during the day and night. Rattlesnakes can sense temperature above 28 degrees Celsius, which is an average temperature of a mouse distanced 1 meter from the snake. Three venomous pit-vipers in Virginia are: Eastern Cottonmouth, Northern Copperhead and Timber Rattlesnake.

10 States with Most Snake Bites in America

Martin Mecnarowski/Shutterstock.com

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