10 Reasons Why People Think the Moon Landing Was Fake

5. Multiple light sources

Photos released following the lunar landing were scrutinized by everyone in the world, including conspiracy theory fans. The latter were sure to point out that there were multiple light sources, which must certainly mean that the shoot took place in a movie studio of some kind.

That’s because on the moon there’s only one light source that’s bright enough to make any kind of shadow – the Sun – which obviously only comes from one direction. Therefore, the fact that the astronaut in the picture threw a shadow to the right and the rocks closer to the camera threw a shadow downward was an obvious problem.

NASA tried explaining that the landscape of the Moon isn’t flat. The uneven surface, the bumps, the hills and valleys, however small, would cast different shadows. There’s also the fact that the lunar module was standing on flat ground at a lower altitude than the area where the shadows were thrown, further altering the view.

However, this is one of the most popular 10 reasons why people think the moon landing was fake.

4. The waving flag

Perhaps the most popular of them all, the waving flag theory is one of the most used conspiracy theory for the lunar landing. People keep saying that the American flag seemed to wave as Armstrong planted it to the ground, which is impossible since there’s no atmosphere on the moon and no wind.

NASA has explained time and time again that the flag flutters just a little as it unravels from the case before standing still. The flag is made from a plastic material similar to the one used for making tents so it could better resist the conditions on the moon and it was originally folded.
