10 Most Successful Pirates in History

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9. Thomas White

Mentions – 1

Wealth – 4 points ($16 million)

Total – 5 points

During the first half of the 18th century lived Thomas White, the number 9 in our list of most successful pirates in history, born in Plymouth. Starting out in life with a great education didn’t seem to steer this young fellow to better jobs. The fact that he was attracted to the sea ultimately led him to life as a pirate. Starting out aboard a warship, he ended up in the Barbados where he eventually set roots, marrying.

After several years he ended up a pirate on a ship under Thomas Howard, a pirate active in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, before moving on to Thomas Halsey’s ship. Their preferred targets were ships full of spices, fruits, and animals that were uncommon in the European area.

10 Most Successful Pirates in History

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