10 Most Religious Cities in the US

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Below you can see our list of the 10 most religious cities in the US. For a more comprehensive list please see this article.

10. New Orleans

Unaffiliated percentage in 2018: 15

Unaffiliated percentage in 2019: 24

I was honestly surprised to find out that New Orleans has such a high percentage of religious people, especially considering the fact that it is one of the most unique, quirkiest and accepting cities in the entire country.

Pixabay/Public Domain

9. Fresno

Unaffiliated percentage in 2018: 26

Unaffiliated percentage in 2019: 19

81% of the people in Fresno are irreligious, which is an exception to the general trend of California, which actually has a lot of cities which are not very religious at all.

Jeffrey T. Kreulen/Shutterstock.com

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