10 Most Hated Companies in America in 2020

9. Facebook

While Facebook remains one of the largest social media platforms in the world with CEO Mark Zuckerberg being the fourth richest man in the world, most Americans do not like Facebook. From North America to Europe, Facebook has faced tens of backlashes from lawmakers and industry regulators for being used to disseminate fake news and political meddling.

The social media has been accused of being used by Russia to undermine the 2016 presidential US election, and being used by distractors to spread divisive and inflammatory information. With fake news and ads taking root in Facebook, CEO Zuckerberg said his organization will continue to work harder to weed out misinformation and block propagandists. The company has also faced numerous lawsuits in Europe as well as class-action lawsuits in the United States.


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8. Monsanto


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Monsanto is an agricultural company that has been in existence for over 50 years and has courted controversy and hatred the entire time. The company is accused of manufacturing herbicides and insecticides with life-threatening agents that also endanger the environment. Some of the fatal chemicals used in Monsanto products include DDT and PCBs.

The company also manufactured Agent Orange, a weedkiller that is believed to have contributed to the deaths of over 400,000 people and over 500,000 birth defects in Vietnam. Millions of people are also against the company’s GMOs – genetically modified organism seeds; and the company has faced numerous class-action lawsuits for its herbicide RoundUp which many claimed is carcinogenic and given them cancer. As of now, most Americans hate this company.