10 Most Conservative Companies in America

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Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NASDAQ:URBN)

Up next on our list of most conservative companies in America is Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NASDAQ:URBN) which has managed to offend many groups of people, including gays, Irish, blacks and Mexicans. For example, the company sold a game called “Ghettopoly” in 2003, while in 2005, it upset the entire country of Mexico with a T-shirt that read “New Mexico, Cleaner than Regular Mexico”. It also had t-shirts with a badge that looked very similar to the Star of David. And let’s not forget Urban Outfitters’ “suicidal shampoo”, promotional pens shaped like hypodermic needles for a “Hairroin” salon, its Navajo-labeled line of clothes, and so on. All of these products led to the company being criticized many times by representatives of the offended groups and by the Anti-Defamation League. Maybe these events don’t really label the company as conservative, but rather insensitive and ignorant (which some might argue are synonyms with “conservative”), but it’s also worth pointing out that in 2008, Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NASDAQ:URBN) president and founder Richard Hayne donated $14,000 to the campaign of Rick Santorum, whose homophobic views are well-known. All in all, it found its place on our list of the 10 most conservative companies in America.

10 Most Conservative Companies In America

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