10 Most Commonly Sold Commercial Jets to Airlines

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6.Boeing 747

Delivered: 1,514; On firm order: 29 Total sales: 1,543

The most iconic wide-body jet airliner in the world, Boeing 747 had its maiden flight in 1969. For 37 years after that it held the record for passenger capacity, ranging from 416 to 660. The original Jumbo Jet, a nickname that came to describe every wide-body long-range jet airliner, was expected to become obsolete after 400 planes, but 46 years later, it is still in production, with more than 1,500 delivered. The first variant, 747-100, was selling at $24 million in the 1960s. The latest itineration, 747-8I, costs $351.4 million. The Boeing 747 saw numerous versions being built, for both civilian and military use. The two most recognizable are Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, designed to transport Space Shuttle orbiters and VC-25, more commonly known as Air Force One. Airlines from 93 countries had or still have 747s in their fleets. But the end is in sight for the Queen of the Skies. It is scheduled to be replaced with a more efficient model, currently in development, Boeing Y3.

Boeing 747 air force one

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