10 Most Boring Countries to Live in

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7. Belarus

You might have heard about the original host of this party, his was Vladimir Lenin. This is a Communist party (that worked out nicely), and the current host, Lukashenko, has been so for the last 22 years. He’s not a nice guy, he had his 2006 rival severely beat up by cops during a mob (which I must admit might be awful, but certainly not boring).
Most of the reviews I read could be synthesized by saying “it’s not even Russia, which is bad enough.” The place is not pretty and there’s very little to see, although the house does have a super nice garden, that is if you like forests (over 40% of the country is covered in forests). Belarus is 18th in the world suicide rate ranking, and it’s 7th on our list of most boring countries to live in.
Women are really pretty, but while the life expectancy is 74.9 years for women, it is only 63 for men, so the whole place is packed with old ladies. I don’t know if it’s grandma-related, but what the internet seems to actually like about Belarus are the people, it seems everyone makes friends there, so that’s nice. I might go to that party after all (not really).

Size of the country: 207,600 km2

Density: 46.3 people/km2

Population: 9,608,058

Male-female ratio: 0.87 male(s)/female

Social gender equality: Sexist in a communist way.

Alcohol and drugs: If you live here, you’re a drunk, period.

Activities and entertainment: Heavy drinking.

Tolerance for other cultures and religions: 48.3% are Eastern Orthodox, 7.1% are Catholic, 3.5% practice other religions, and 41.1% are not religious. I like that last number.

Cultural behavioral factors: They proclaim themselves to be open-minded, but in the practice… not so much.


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