10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask Your Friends

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9. You know that crap’s going to kill you, right?

Yes, I know, I’m counting on it. This question which ranks 9th in our list of most annoying questions to ask your friends, often refers to cigarettes, but it can concern any unwholesome activity, such as: drinking alcohol, eating too much salt, or sugar, or gluten, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, taking drugs (legal and illegal, both), not getting enough sleep, getting too much sleep, basically anything that gives you pleasure. So my answer usually is “You know living will kill you, right?”.

I envy people with healthy habits, though, and I do make an effort to cut down on my noxious behaviors myself, but being bad just feels sooo good. Like when you go to the gym and not 10 minutes later you’re bolting down a big, fat cheeseburger with extra bacon. So, if everything good in life is illegal, immoral, or fattening, but “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, I’m totally living forever!

10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask Your Friends


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