10 Easy Songs to Sing for Beginners

Below you can find our list of the 10 easy songs to sing for beginners.

10. Love Me Tender

Even the King of Rock Elvis Presley has a song which you can croon to find your way into someone’s heart.

9. Stay

Most of Rihanna’s songs are very difficult to sing cause she has an incredibly powerful voice suited for high octane ballads, but luckily, this is one of the easier ones.

8. One Call Away

Sometimes I thank singers who have amazing voices but have single songs in the belt as well, such as Charlie Puth with One Call Away.

7. Yellow

Coldplay dominates our list of easy songs to sing for beginners with Yellow another moving yet easy song to sing.

6. Royals

Lorde has some amazing songs, but few are easy to replicate as Royals.

5. Anything Could Happen

While Ellie Goulding has some more popular songs (you all know what I’m referring to here), Anything Could Happen is an easy song of hers to sing, with few lyrics and an upbeat melody.

4. Shotgun

Shotgun by George Ezra is perhaps suited more to those with a deep voice, but if you have that, you’ll be able to pull this off easily.

3. Can’t Help Falling in Love

Lightning may not strike twice, but Elvis Presley does in our list with this easy to sing song, which has simple lyrics.

2. Make You Feel My Love

It may not have the easiest lyrics, but the simple melody and Bob Dylan’s soothing voice make it an easy song to try our for a beginner.

1. Imagine

Raise your hands if you were sure that John Lennon’s Imagine would top the list of 10 easy songs to sing for beginners. It is perhaps the most copied song ever, and the fact that is has some of the most incredible lyrics ever for a song, yet is so easy to sing means that it is also the best choice for a beginner to start off with.

See also 20 easy songs to sing for beginners and 16 best karaoke songs for bad singers.