10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College

If you’re looking for a break this coming semester, check out our list of 10 easiest humanities classes to take in college.

Maybe this fall has been a rough one, and your demanding classes have left you wishing you could graduate already. It’s all you can do to sign up for more classes for spring. But don’t worry, we’ve discovered 10 relatively simple humanities classes that will probably get you an easy A, as well as a few credits, checked off the list. What even is a humanities elective in college? Humanities elective examples include art, history, literature or English classes. Basically, anything that’s not math or science. Depending on the type of person you are, you’ll find these types of classes either very difficult or very easy.

But no matter your major, most everyone has to take a few humanities classes along the way, especially as an undergrad. But sometimes, when you have zero interest in anything to do with English, art, history or literature, you need someone to tell you which classes to take, or at least help you make the decision, by showing you some of the easiest humanities courses in college. Others may be interested in every humanities subject, overwhelmed with options about whether to take Psychology I or Intro to Philosophy. We can help with that as well.

10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College

Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock.com

Because it only makes sense to choose classes that will be easy to pass. Classes where you don’t have to take rigorous notes, and where if you miss one day, you won’t have already failed.

So whether you’re wondering what easy classes to take in community college, what easy college classes to take online, or what humanities classes you should take for a certain degree like nursing, we got you covered with some of the easiest humanities classes, most of which also could be some of the easiest humanities cleps.

We ranked our classes based on a number of reliable sources, some college students, and some actual college websites. We referred to Odyssey’s 10 Easy Classes Everyone Should Take, Study’s 5 Classes You Should Take Online, Campus Explorer’s Easiest College Classes, Koofers’ Easy Classes at the Community College of Philadelphia, Her Campus’s 10 Hardest (and Easiest) Classes at Harvard, Koofers’ Easy Classes at the University of Wisconsin, The Daily Pennsylvanian’s 30 Easiest and Hardest Classes at Penn, The Daily Pennsylvanian’s Your Courses, Deconstructed, Society 19’s 10 Easy Courses at Iowa State University, The Daily Utah Chronicle’s Top 10 Gen-Ed Classes, and Hotty Toddy’s Easy A Course List for Ole Miss.

Each time a course was listed as easy in one of the articles above, we gave it one point. However, each time class was listed as one of the harder ones, we subtracted a point. This means that some classes ended up with a score of 0 or -1. But the ones that rose to the top are listed from least to the greatest amount of points below. But there’s a lot of disclaimers when writing a list like this. So much plays into whether a class is difficult or easy for a college student. Variables like teachers and college types are important factors, as well as the skill level, experience level, interest level, and even personality type of the student. Our point is, even one of the classes on this list could end up being one of your hardest. That’s very unlikely, but it’s still possible. Don’t be discouraged. There’s no doubt that if you truly apply yourself, you can pass any class, even the hard ones.

And for more great college student reading material, see our lists of easiest AP classes to take and easiest and best-paying jobs in the world.

So is music appreciation really easy? And would you be better off taking psychology or philosophy? These questions answered in more in our list of 10 easiest humanities classes to take in college!

10. English 101

2 points

Face it, if you’re majoring in anything to do with humanities, you’ll probably ace English 101. We learned subject-verb agreement in fourth grade, after all.

10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College


9. Humanities

3 points

It may seem like cheating to say that Humanities is one of the 10 easiest humanities classes to take in college, but courses with the word humanities in the title are often quite easy. Whether it’s based on art, history, or literature, classes like this are typically no sweat.

7. Basic Writing

4 points

Rudimentary writing courses like Creative Writing are often some of the most enjoyable and easy courses, depending on how much you enjoy writing papers.

7. Intro to *insert foreign language*

4 points

While it is true that introductory foreign language courses are often relatively easy and make students more well-rounded, it often depends on which language course you choose. Latin is said to be especially difficult, and I’m guessing Intro to Swahili isn’t exactly a piece of cake either.

10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

5. Art History

5 points

Learn the stories behind famous pieces of art while admiring their beauty in this class.

5. Anthropology 101

5 points

Obsessed with Indiana Jones? Find out all about what he does in an anthropology class. And no, it’s not a class about how to work at Anthropologie.

10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College


4. Music Appreciation

6 points

Some call this class “clapping for credit” which seems like a perfect description of what music appreciation classes really are.

3. Sociology 101

7 points

This class ranks third in our list of easiest humanities classes to take in college. It is not only easy, but it’s fun. You’ll learn a lot about your classmates in the process, as well as about society as a whole.

10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College


2. General Psychology

8 points

What’s more interesting, and also more easy, than learning about the wonders of your own mind?

1. Film

10 points

From acting classes to movie analyses to material about TV production, these types of film-related classes are described as some of the easiest humanities courses in existence. And that’s the last class on our list of 10 easiest humanities classes to take in college! Now, go ace them all.

10 Easiest Humanities Classes to Take in College

Nicoleta Ionescu/Shutterstock.com