10 Easiest Galaxies to See with Telescope or Binoculars

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10. Cat’s Eye Galaxy (M94;NGC 4736) Apparent Magnitude 8.2

Located in the constellation of Canes Venatici lies Messier 94, a spiral galaxy, also known as the Cat’s Eye galaxy. It is a galaxy with low ionization nuclear emission region(LINER), approximately 16 million light years away from the Earth. M94 has two starburst rings of interstellar material, which is a rare feature. The outer ring is not a closed stellar ring, but complex spiral arm structure – however that can be seen only in mid-infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. M94 requires extremely good conditions to be seen with binoculars, and even then appears only as a small, dim patch of light, it is best observed during the spring.

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