10 Easiest Countries to Find a Wife

Are you interested in the easiest countries to find a wife? While singing the famous song ‘Are you lonesome tonight?’ you may be wondering about having a long-term relationship or marrying a girl. But whom? Are there lots of women in your town, city, country but they just don’t do it for you? You should consider looking for a bride in other countries as well! In our rushing but having-a-lot-of-possibilities world, you can use the internet for it, too! Now you have given the opportunity to investigate the ten easiest countries to find a wife with us!

Why do men want girlfriends or wives from other countries? If we observe this phenomenon, we can get various answers. One of them is that these days’ women are highly educated and want to get married to a man who has the same educational level as them. If a man is not as well-educated as the woman, the man has much less chance, while the years fly away like floss in the wind. So, not being able to find a wife in their own country, men turn to other places. If you, however, just want to have some fun and sleep with someone without any commitment, you should read our article about the 10 Easiest Countries to Get Laid in the World.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

Dmitry Sheremeta/Shutterstock.com

Women in rich western countries are not only better educated but financially independent, career minded, therefore, they do not care much for the traditional family life as a potential future for them, as they don’t think this way is the only one that leads to a satisfactory, fulfilling and happy life. For instance let’s see an extremely welfare state in Europe, Sweden. A couple of years ago Sweden had the highest rates of local men who had Thai wives. It resulted that more than 80% of immigrants coming from Thailand arrived in the country to have a family reunion as a Swedish man married their family member. The leaders of the most successful political parties in Norway (but also everywhere in Scandinavia) are women. In the western countries many times women are not only more successful than men while studying but they are auspiciously employed and even earn more than their husbands.

When people think of marrying a woman from another country, well they usually consider the Third World, but as a matter of fact, there are many other countries to find a good wife, for example, the developing countries in Eastern Europe. So let’s stop fiddling around but check these easiest countries together where to find a wife!

Our methodology was to investigate various forums and look up for experiences of those men who have a long-term relationship or wives from other countries, or at least they have ever had. The best way is sometimes the easiest one too because women from these countries are willing to leave their homes in order to have a completely new life with their husbands. You can find the interesting conversations about which country has the best wife material on Reddit, and the best and worst countries for an American man to find a wife on Return for kings.

Without further ado, we present you easiest countries to find a wife.

10. Slovenia (Eastern Europe)

Slovenian women are really beautiful, hot and relaxed ones. They are very domesticated – taking care of all the household chores. What is more important to men – they are good cooks.  As they can speak English very well they are not shy to date men from foreign countries.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

9. South-Korea

There is a generalization over Korean girls that they are easy ones, but that’s just a prejudice. They are very loyal, obedient and respectful to their parents so you should never underestimate their relationship. Korean girls ask for the parents’ approval and if they say no for a marriage, a Korean woman won’t marry you.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

 8. The Philippines 

As for Asian ladies, we can say that Philippine women have the most exotic oriental beauty. They are very charming, and femininity exudes from all of their movements. You will enjoy being with them as you will be delighted by their happy chatting but on the other hand, they can cope with unexpected situations so easily that you will be surprised. They have very good personalities; they are composed, generous, patient, supportive, caring, and family-oriented. Now, let’s see what’s next on our list of easiest countries to find a wife.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

Tony Magdaraog / Shutterstock.com

7. Brazil

Upon meeting a Brazilian woman, you will be immediately charmed by their sensuality, body language, voice, and attitude. They are very loyal wives although your life with them will always be adventurous.

6. Japan

Japanese ladies also have exotic beauty and they are really family-centered. They always stay a lit bit mysterious as they rarely say what they think. If you have a Japanese wife you should know that she will look up to as the only breadwinner in the family while she would prefer to stay at home rather than going to work.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

5. Thailand 

At first, you should know that age matters a lot in Thailand, the next one on our list of easiest countries to find a wife. They have a different word for someone who is much younger or older than they are. They are very domesticated and devoted spouses, and you can be sure that you and your family won’t be lacking anything with a Thai wife. And yes, they are very beautiful too. Besides being the best, Thailand is also one of the easiest countries to find a wife according to our research.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

Jade ThaiCatwalk/Shutterstock.com

4. Vietnam

Vietnamese ladies are self-dependent and the prejudice that they are willing to date for the money is not true. They are loyal, devoted and not easy. If they choose to follow you to your home country, you will get a wife who will care for you family as it was her own.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

3. Mexico

A Mexican woman can make an excellent wife for you if you like getting surprised and you are fond of adventures. They cherish their personal freedom and they don’t like if you want to lecture them what to do or what not to do. But also they are very sexy, feminine, and loyal. Loyalty is one of the keys to a good marriage. And now, let’s see the top two entries on our list of easiest countries to find a wife.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

2. Russia 

The beauty of Russian ladies is just a cover under which there are a lot of merits to be found. First of all loyalty, Russian wives love self-forgetfully and unconditionally. Their family is the most important thing in their lives as they do believe that the aim of their lives is to get married, have children and take care of the family. Of course, young ladies also intend to achieve something in their careers, but when time comes to have a family, they do not hesitate. They are talented housekeepers as well, and they know how to economize on time and money. At last but not least they are very honest and sincere, so they appreciate these features in their husbands as well.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife

Andrey Bayda / Shutterstock.com

1. China

Without a shadow of a doubt, China and Chinese women got the most point in our investigation. Why is it good to have a Chinese wife aside their beauty and devotion? Because they help their husband selflessly, they love life and also adore when their men are bright and happy.

We hope you’ve found this list of easiest countries to find a wife useful, and we wish you good luck in your search for a lifelong partner.

10 Easiest Countries To Find a Wife