10 Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

Chocolate is one of the most popular ingredients and flavors in the world, so I’m sure you would like to know the 10 countries that export the most chocolate in the world. Total exports of chocolate during the year 2015 amounted to an astounding number of $25.3 billion and the top 10 chocolate exporting countries accounted for 70.5% of these exports.

Furthermore, export of chocolate has increased by 8.2% over the last four years. These figures stand testimony to the increasing demand of chocolate in the world. Tempered chocolate or chocolate syrup, white chocolate or dark chocolate, it is the one food type that is loved by most in every form. Chocolate is used in all sorts of desserts like cakes, cookies, mousse and pudding. In fact, modern chefs have begun using this decadent ingredient in savory food as well, increasing its utility tenfold. In addition to this, chocolate has become the core essence of many holidays as well, such as Valentine’s Day when boxes of chocolate in various shapes and sizes are gifted to one’s significant other, and Easter when delicious chocolate eggs are handed out. With the innumerable uses of chocolate, it is no wonder that chocolate is an $83 billion a year business.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

Emka74 / Shutterstock.com

The fact that is interesting is that 73% of total chocolate exports originate from European countries, even though two-thirds of the world’s cocoa beans (the basic component required for chocolate production) come from West Africa, 30% from the Ivory Coast alone. The reason is that these African countries do not have any chocolate processing plants which can produce finished goods of export quality. Europe, in turn, has many of such plants, which have put countries of this continent on top of the market. This means that the US has been pushed down the list. However, America still remains the top exporter of corn. For further details, you can refer to our list of 10 countries that export the most corn in the world.

Without further ado, let us find out these countries that export the most chocolate in the world. We have accumulated data from World’s Top Exports where the countries have been arranged according to their export value in dollars.

10. Switzerland

Export value: $822.4 million

Percentage of total exports: 3.2%

The chocolate exports of Switzerland are quite high, but the reason for the country’s low position on this list is  that it consumes most of the chocolate it produces. Home to the famous brand Lindt, Switzerland is  the nation which eats the most chocolate in the world with 19.8 pounds being consumed per capita annually. Due to this exceptional use of the food item by the country’s own people, their exports are not as high as some other European countries.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

9. United Kingdom

Export value: $860.1 million

Percentage of total exports: 3.4%

Chocolate in the United Kingdom is devoured at a high rate with one in six people eating chocolate every single day. Even though Cadbury UK is one of the highest exporting companies of the nation, chocolate is not one of United Kingdom’s top exports. One of the major reasons is that the UK runs a deficit in the chocolate industry, i.e. its imports are actually more than its exports. In fact, the deficit has been increasing and has risen by 13.4% since 2011.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

8. Canada

Export value: $1.4 billion

Percentage of total exports: 5.3%

Canada is one of the few non-European countries in this list and has been one of the fastest growing chocolate exporters in the world, with a growth of 40% over 4 years: the highest percentage in all the countries on this list.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

7. France

Export value: $1.4 billion

Percentage of total exports: 5.4%

France is neck to neck with Canada on this list, but over the next few years, it may as well go below Canada as its exports are declining steadily on a yearly basis whereas Canada’s chocolate industry is growing at a very fast rate.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

6. Poland

Export value: $1.5 billion

Percentage of total exports: 5.8%

Poland is another country whose chocolate exports have been climbing up as the consumption of chocolate expands all over the world.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

5. Italy

Export value: $1.6 billion

Percentage of total exports: 6.3%

Italy has bagged the number 5 spot on our list of 10 countries that export the most chocolate in the world. Chocolate exports of Italy have remained considerably constant over the years with no major expansion or decline.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

4. United States

Export value: $1.6 billion

Percentage of total exports: 6.4%

The United States, home to the Hershey Food Corporation, produces the most chocolate in the world and earns approximately $20 billion in retail sales alone. The rest of the production is exported which has resulted in putting the US at number 4.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

Radu Bercan/Shutterstock.com

3. Netherlands

Export value: $1.7 billion

Percentage of total exports: 6.7%

Netherlands imports around $1 billion of the chocolate it exports. However, since the volume of its exports is so high, it still succeeds in making a surplus of $729 million.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

2. Belgium

Export value: $2.8 billion

Percentage of total exports: 11%

Belgium’s exports of $2.8 billion are a long jump from the $1.7 billion of Netherlands. The country is one of the biggest producers of chocolate with 15 chocolate manufacturing plants spread over the nation.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World

1. Germany

Export value: $4.3 billion

Percentage of total exports: 17.1%

Germany’s exports are 1.5 times that of Belgium, the country just one spot below it on our list of 10 countries that export the most chocolate in the world. Cologne, the fourth largest city in Germany, is the chocolate capital of the country and has succeeded in keeping Germany number one for many years.

Countries That Export the Most Chocolate in the World