10 Countries Involved With Genocide Today and the Last 100 Years

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8. Cambodia

The reason for this genocide was again the wish of the nation to gain independence and live freely in its own country. In 1975, the Communist Party with the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnam army attacked the government of Cambodia in order to prevent the revolution whose final goal was freedom. Although the US and South Vietnam gave their support to Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge came to power and decided to take revenge on people for what they had done. Their leader, Pol Pot was brutal in his intention to destroy even the genes of Cambodians, so he ordered the killing of babies, children, women (or raping them to death) and forcing men to produce food. Many of them literally died of hard work and starvation. As historian claim, in these four years of torture, 2 million people were killed.

10 Countries Involved With Genocide Today and the Last 100 Years

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