10 Best Cheap Online Courses For High School Students

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10. John Hopkins

At the John Hopkins Center for talented youth, you’ll find a wide range of online programs. According to the university, they’ve had some 20,000 pre-college students so far from all over the world, attending the summer, online, and family programs.

The classes vary from math, AP science, grammar, critical reading, computer science to writing and so much more. The best part about these courses being online is that you can go through them at your own pace.

The courses that they are offering are best suited for high school students that care Introduction to Java, Advanced Scratch Programming, Advanced web design, Java Script, Advanced Java Programming, and AP Computer Science, any of the English Language Development courses, as well as world languages. The Writing, Grammar, and Visual Fluency classes could also work for most students, particularly the visual communication one, as well as others who want to focus on writing for an audience, writing analysis and persuasion, poetry crafting, crafting fiction and more. Additionally, there are plenty of math courses available, as well as science and engineering classes, social sciences, and history.

Tuition costs between $360 and $2,125, the price depends on the length and type of course selected.

10 Best Free Online Courses For High School Students


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