The 10 Most Stressed Out Countries in the World

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Did you ever wonder which are the most stressed out countries in the world? Modern societies are very complex, and life is no longer what it used to be. The jam-packed neighborhoods, complicated school systems, and lifetime careers can all amount to a feeling of helplessness and stress for many people, who feel trapped in the cycle of being just another cog in society’s wheel and not really living their own life.


Then are all manner of other short or long-term stressful events that can occur for people individually, and for nations as a whole. There is no doubt some countries have a more dynamic lifestyle than others, and some cities are indeed very wild and hectic. Stress levels are driven by various factors. It might be the amount of work, or the lack of it, stressful relationships, or maybe college and school. Moreover, it has been proven that anxiety and constant concern can seriously affect people’s health.

When evaluating life expectancy of a country, specialists take into account the quality of healthcare systems, but also suicide rates and extraneous factors, such as terrorist attacks and environmental calamities. Therefore, the amount of stress of a certain society influences its overall life-expectancy. We’ve made a list featuring Country-by-Country Life Expectancy: The World’s 15 Healthiest Countries, which includes places like Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Monaco.

This helps explain why, despite what we might think, developed countries certainly have stressed-out populations, but their total amount of stress doesn’t even reach the low levels of anxiety and pressure at deprived and underprivileged countries, and why none of those aforementioned countries make our list of the most stressed out countries in the world. We could call this difference first-world stress or problems, compared to real stress or problems. That’s not to downplay some of the stressful events that can occur in the lives of even well-off people, but we ultimately need to keep things in perspective and not wallow in stress and self-pity when things could be far worse, with little to keep you going every day except the need to survive.

Research conducted by Bloomberg analyzed seventy-four nations on the basis of seven variables, to calculate the amount of stress suffered by the populations of each country: Annual homicide rate, GDP per capita, Income inequality (Gini coefficient), Corruption score, Unemployment rate and urban air pollution. Taking into account this research, we have compiled a list featuring the ten most stressed out countries in the world. Don’t stress, and check it out!

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