8 Worst Master’s Degrees for Finding a Job

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Nowadays, Master’s degrees are becoming more and more popular, and for good reasons. For many people, these graduate programs represent a way in which they can expand their skill set and knowledge, as well as a method to ensure that they will be able to secure a good job once they finish studies. However, with some Master’s degrees this might not be the case. If you’re choosing a graduate program in a field that is declining or not in demand, you won’t have many chances of getting a job fast or receiving a high paycheck.

We would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the 8 worst Master’s degrees for finding a job. They were ranked according to median annual pay, which is the amount at which half the employees in the field make less and half make more. If you’re looking for a graduate program, make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. Let’s take a look at the countdown.

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