8 Countries that Produce The Most Coal in The World

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Amidst calls of environmentalists and conservationists to reduce carbon footprint, coal remains to be one of the most produced fuel sources – and this list of the 8 countries that produce the most coal in the world is proof.

And there is nothing surprising about our attachment to coal. Compared to most other fuels in the world, coal is the most easily abundant – and the cheapest one to produce at that. The greener alternatives to coal, especially for electricity production, like solar, wind, and nuclear are all more expensive to produce.

One of the most striking things about the statistics of coal production and consumption is the fact that most of the world’s largest producers are also its biggest consumers.

Countries that Produce The Most Coal in The World

For this list, we have used the complete 2014 data on coal production by country from the British Petroleum’s Statistical Review of World Energy June 2015. The quantity provided here are: (a) measured in million tonnes;  and (b) do not specify the kind or source of coal but is inclusive of “coal” as identified by the creator of the review.

Which countries made it to the top of the list? Read on to find out! Don’t forget to check out our list of the 8 countries that produce the most cocoa beans in the world.

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